19 June 2007

Time Flies

In the words of OMB: "Time flies when you're having fun."

In the words of Mick Jagger: "Don't let the world pass you by."

Time has been flying lately. It's been fun but Karen and I have to be careful not to blink - seems like everything is coming at us at a lightning pace right now. I could write all night but I am short on time. So here it is in bullet format:
  • in April we found out we have Air Force orders for Incirlik Air Base
  • it took 45 days for the Air force to completely understand I can take Karen with me
  • I was selected for promotion to Master Sergeant in the AF; line number 3973
  • as I prepared to outprocess Edwards AFB, I discovered I would need to attend a week-long PME class for Master Sergeant selects and fork out a few hundred bucks; unfortunately, money and time are scare resources right now
  • my parents visited us in Lancaster for Father's Day weekend; just left today
  • our great friends Ryan and Kori Smyth had their first baby today; Ryan wanted a unique name no one else would have but Kori said no to Santa Smith; welcome to Earth Owen Smith
My wife Karen and I with my mom and dad, Sherry and Jim Dwyer on Father's Day 2007:

Me, brother-in-law Randy Czajkowski, father-in-law Jim Kuhns, and my dad Jim Dwyer on Father's Day 2007:

Below, one of the first pics of Owen Smyth - kind of. At our 2007 Halloween party, Kori didn't know she was pregnant yet - but she actually was in this photo! Kori was a good sport tolerating all of us while she was not drinking. I don't know how she slept throught "2am Living Room Strobe Light Dancing" but she did. Below is my father-in-law as a one-eyed jack after he lost the vision in one eye - that's a dark sense of humor...at least in one eye. And notice that Kori and Ryan came to the party dressed as Patrick and Karen! Kori has Karen's hat on, fake boobs, and an apron that says "friends don't let friends drink white Zen." Ryan has a grey-haired wig, Air Force shirt, and Rolling Stones' pants on. Classic:


Sherry said...

Hi Patrick and Karen, We sure did have fun being with you both. The Father's Day BBQ was so special and so much fun. I love your site--WELL------except for Jimi Hendrix---I guess Neil Diamond was too much to hope for!!!!!!! I missed the both of you the minute we pulled away from the driveway--LOVE YOU BOTH!!! When we got home Father Dave had sent a not and he said he is praying for both of you and the angels will watch over you--that was good to hear!!I am so happy that you both got to watch the shuttle arrive home! LOVE YOU---Mom----Sherry

Patrick Dwyer said...

Thanks - love you Mom! Stay tuned for some Neil Diamond...some day.