Starbucks At Incirlik Air Base
Starbucks has opened at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey! And this is not a "We Proudly Serve..." but a full-blown Starbucks with mugs, desserts, and wifi. In fact, I believe this is the first full-sized Starbucks in all of USAFE. The base had been trying to get Starbucks to come in on a smaller scale but once Starbucks Turkey saw the base and the captured market, Starbucks offered to put in a full store. I heard they paid for 100% of the construction in exchange for being able to keep all profits for the first year. Sounds fair to me. Thank you Starbucks!
Karen and I love our Starbucks. I don't care how commercialized people claim it is. The ambiance and smell offer a comfort feeling that reminds us of home. I'm a pop culture junkie anyway. We spent four years at the intersection of Black Mountain and Mira Mesa in San Diego, where they literally had afour Starbucks - we miss our coffee! We bought Starbucks thermoses that say "Turkey" on them. They are the yellow ones onb the shelf in the photo above. We also bought a little bear wearing a Starbucks 2008 jacket and waving a Turkiye (Turkey) banner. We are hoping they will bring in mugs that say "Starbucks Incirlik" but we will see. Starbucks may not want their name going on mugs with the name of a military base on it. Incirlik is also the name of the village outside the base so it still could happen.
Below Katie is held by one of the Turkish workers on opening day:

Hi Patrick,
I stumbled across your entry on Starbucks and its great to hear that they finally opened one on base! Where is it located exactly? In the food court? Its amazing how they make it feel like your back home at a Starbucks shop. Do you know if there is a way to purchase something from there even though I'm not at the base and in the US? Online or over the phone?
- Sam
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Woh...Its good news for coffee lovers like me.Starbucks-leading retailer,roaster and brand of specialty coffee,has now opened air base in Turkey.I love its ambiance and smell that offers a comfort feeling.Hoping to soon have a cup of coffee there....!!!
thanks !! very helpful post!
Hi Patrick,
Your daughter Katie is lovely.
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