Dwyer's Are Back in Turkey
I'll tell the story later. A few pics for now:
Just an hour or so after birth. NICU has placed a bow in Katie's hair and tried to make her comfortable as possible:
First day out of hospital...and first smile! Great to see - gas or not:
First pediatric appointment. "I am really bored and don't want to be here." Just prior to this shot Katie had tried to lift her head and look at Karen. This caused her to look like she was rolling her eyes and then she fell into her favorite contemplative position:
Our flight home from Germany was diverted in mid-air due to an in-flight emergency. They landed at the former Hahn Air Base and we had to sit in a SMALL terminal for 6-8 hours. Karen and Kattie trying to get some sleep on the floor:
"Finally, back home and in my brand new crib!"
Kitty and Katie get along just fine. We never leave them alone and always supervise interactions just to be sure:

Taken today:

Taken today:
She is beautiful! I can't believe all those smiles! I knew she would be a happy girl- what lucky parents!
Thanks for posting some pics- I know how hard it is to find ANY time to yourself in these early days! I've been stalking you guys online!
The pictures are just great, I really love the videos of Katie. I love the smile. Patrick I loved just hearing your voice on the video in the hospital. Love You All ! Mom
Her smile is so precious. It is amazing how quickly she has changed from her first photos in the hospital. Tyler is 5 weeks today and I can't hardly bear how much he has changed. Talk to you soon.
Tracy, Tom & Tyler (T3)
she's gorgeous. Love those smiles. The video w/the bubble is great. Miss you guys. :)
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