Since Karen and I have been feeling a little better, we decided to venture into the Village today. Our firt stop was by the furniture store to see how the jewelry box Karen is having made is coming along. This is where we bought Katie's bedroom furniture. Katie says to Sunny, "That stuff is really nice."

Then Karen and I went by The Turkish Turtle to have spicey chicken sandwiches and Efes beer.

The village is actually in the process of removing their above-ground-wiring. It's been funny to watch the process. First, they just dug a two-foot deep trench in front of all the stores all the way down the street. They didn't put any caution tape up or any warning signs. The merchants just layed down pieces of wood across the trench and that's how people were expected to get across if they wanted to get into a store. After the wiring was laid they didn't repave the street, they just covered the trench with rock. You can sort of see this in the bottom left of the above picture. The underground-wiring is not yet active and they haven't actually wired to the stores. So what does a merchant do to get ready for the new underground wiring? How can you access the new wiring if it doesn't come into your store? Well you just drill a trench up to your front door!

But what if your electrical cords don't reach the sidewalk? How can you power your jack hammer? No problem. Just climb up to the still active, above-ground-wiring and plug directly in!

We also saw the bakery cart come by with baklava and other pastries.

I negotiate a shrewd business deal for some baklava.
A nice day back out in the village.